This beloved, best selling holiday tale recounts an extraordinary remembrance of Christmas past that the author’s grandmother shared with him just before she died. Based on a true story of her own father and of an unforgettable Christmas long ago, it speaks of family and friendship, and the profound lessons learned. This hard cover book measures approximately 7 inches long by 6 inches wide. Pre-Priced $15.95.
By John Snyder – Mountain Breeze Publishing (1999) – Hardback – 164 pages – ISBN 09672128-0-8
It is just days before the Christmas of 1918 in a picturesque township nestled in the mountains of coal country. Anna Beal, an idealistic nine-year-old, is very close with her father Joseph, a hardworking railroad engineer. As Christmas approaches, a series of puzzling dreams shared by Joseph and Anna about a golden ring mystifies them both. Based on a true story.